Method or activity in detail

EPIZ - Globales Lernen in Berlin
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Name of the method
Border Images
Short description
This method aims for the encounter with borders. It faces the different dimensions and consequences people are confronted by them.
Target audiences
13-16 years, 16-18 years
Minimum number of participants
Maximum number of participants

Raising awareness for the historical development and political significance by refelcting on their origin and reconising links between (post-)colonialism and the border politics of today.

Global Reference - Choose SDG's
10 Reduced inequalities, 16 Peace, justice and strong institutions, 17 Partnerships for the goals
  • Step 1 map presentation:
    • Instructor first shows participants a current political map of the world or displays it digitally using a projector.
  • Step 2 Questions:
    • Instructor asks questions about borders and notes down responses on a flipchart:
  1. What different forms of borders do you know?
  2. On what are border demarcations based?
  3. Are some borders ‘more natural’ than others?
  4. What are the consequences of the various forms of borders?
  5. How are borders demarcated?
  6. How could new borders, for example, for a new independent country, be drawn?
  7. What effects does it have when people draw borders for other people?
  8. Is there a difference between actual and theoretical borders?
  9. Are there borders other than those of nation states?
  • Step 3 discussion:
    • Based on the collected responses, the instructor summarizes discussion
  • Step 4 Border pictures in the room:
    • The pictures of borders are hung in the seminar room and the participants have approx. 15 minutes to look at all of them.

• What are your impressions of the exhibition?
• What borders do you yourselves come across in your daily lives, in your environment or on holiday?
• Which borders do you consider to be justifed? Why? Why not?
• Which borders can and cannot be broken down?
– instructor displays the world map “Two worlds VISA vis” which represents protected borders especially clearly.

Adaption for other target audiences
Additional document
Additional remarks